Iglesia católica de Santiago el Menor
Dirección postal: 269 W. 3rd St., Perris, Ca. 92570
Apartado Postal #669 Perris, Ca.
Dirección de la iglesia: 22190 Dunlap St., Perris, Ca. 92571
Oficina Parroquial Tel.#:951-657-2380
Horario:Lunes a Viernes
- 9:00 a 13:00 horas
- De 14:00 a 17:00 horas
Viernes solo medio día de 9 a 13 h.
Oficina de Educación Religiosa Tel:# : 951-940-5219
Horario:Martes a Viernes
- 9:00 a 13:00 horas
- De 14:00 a 17:00 horas
The Patron Saints of St. James the Less Roman Catholic Church
Here to Guide You

St. James the Less
Patron Saint

Our Lady of Guadalupe
Protectress of the Parish

St. John Paul II
Co-Patron (Secondary Patron)
Our Parish Community
St James the Less Catholic Church has a long, proud history of serving the Catholic Community of Perris, California. Through the dedication of our leadership, pastors and volunteers, we are committed to the teachings of Jesus Christ, and are here to spread His message. Adhering to the Diocesan Vision of "We, the Church of San Bernardino, are a community of believers in Jesus, the Christ, call to impact Family, Neighborhood, and Society with the Gospel so that people's lives are filled with hope."

Our Mission, Our Missionary Thrust and Direction
We, the Parish of St. James, the Less, are a community of communities in communion, believers in Jesus, the Christ and in the Roman Catholic Church, as disciples and missionaries, centered in the Eucharist, the Word, and Prayer, we are moved by the Holy Spirit, to evangelize families with mercy, through the example of our Patroness, the Virgin Mary of Guadalupe, so that their lives maybe filled with love and hope, and thus build the Church on the path to holiness.
Embracing the 4 Core Values of the Diocese: Hospitality, Collaboration, Faith-sharing, and Reconciliation, we, the faithful of St. James the Less Parish, are clothed by both the current challenges of the modern American society and the promising opportunities of grace and a renewed joyful missionary spirit, commit ourselves to constantly enhance our relationship with God through the joyful celebration of the sacraments and faithfulness to prayers and devotion. To be disciples of Christ in carrying out our mission to educate and evangelize, to help the poor and empower the powerless, to be responsible stewards of the material possessions entrusted to us, to defend and protect creation, of God’s plan inscribed in nature, of one another and of the environment. To live and promote the culture of life. To accompany the young in their pursuit of happiness and to defend the sanctity of married life and families as the domestic Church where vocation to the priesthood and religious life flourish.